Do you feel like conflicts with your partner are too great to resolve?
Do you feel like you are unable to communicate with your partner?
Are you worried about getting a fair deal in your separation or divorce?
MRM Mediation is here for You!
Conflicts can arise at any point in the life of a family. Family mediation aims to help you resolve these conflicts in a safe and open environment. So, whether you struggle communicating in your relationships or you are looking to separate peacefully, we can help you do that. Unlike legal resolution, mediation allows you to reach the best outcome that fits your specific circumstances.

About Mediation
What is Family Mediation?
If you are divorcing, separating, or going through a rough time, professional mediators help you work through your options and future plans. We can help you make the separation less stressful by assisting you and your partner to reach agreement regarding your children, finances, and properties. We will not force you into legal decisions, but help you reach an agreement that is helpful to all involved.
At MRM we understand how difficult a separation can be and we are here to support you throughout.
Courts are costly, lengthy, and stressful. In addition, a legal decision is made based on previous similar cases and may not consider your unique individual situation. Mediation tries to remedy this by opening a discussion about your conflict and allowing you to take full control over the decisions. Mediators will not take sides, make judgements about who is right or wrong, or tell you what to do. A mediator will provide a safe and confidential environment to help you share and communicate your concerns with each other and reach a practical solution that will work for both of you. Any agreement you reach in mediation is confidential and may be revisited at any time.
Before you Commit to Mediation
If you are finding it difficult to reach agreement with your partner, you should contact a mediator as soon as possible. The mediator will invite you for a first meeting, called the Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting (MIAM). The aim of the first meeting is to provide you with more information about family mediation and help you decide if it is suitable for you, and your situation. We can also help you find other support services that you may need during this difficult time.
Mediation Process
If you decide that family mediation is for you, we will schedule sessions that are convenient for you both to start discussing solutions to your conflict. Mediation sessions are usually one hour long and the number of sessions you require will depend on your situation and the nature of the conflict.
Mediation is based on open communication between you both. As such, in order for mediation to work, you will need to be prepared to share openly throughout the sessions. Everything you share during the sessions will be confidential and will never be shared with others outside of the mediation session (including courts).
Mediation Outcomes
Once you reach an agreement, it will be written down in a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). MoU is a document that ensures you have a record of your agreement and understand what you have agreed on. Although MoU is not legally binding, your agreement can be made legally binding through court if you both wish.
If you feel that your situation has changed and you need to change the MoU, you can come back to mediation to revisit your agreement.
If you feel that the mediation is not helping, you may need to go to court.
About Us

Dr Marina Rachitskiy
I am a trained family mediator registered with the Family Mediation Council (1598T).
I have extensive knowledge and experience in conflict resolution, and am passionate about helping families resolve their conflicts peacefully.
Having a PhD in forensic psychology, I have a deeper understanding of the legal and psychological processes involved in family conflicts. I understand how stressful a separation can be and how important it is to ensure that your individual circumstances are considered. Furthermore, I have 10 years of experience in conflict resolution in work, community and family context.
Finally, my diverse background allows to me to better connect with my clients and understand their needs based on their backgrounds. I have lived in Russia, Israel and Canada, before coming to London. As such, I am fluent in English and Russian, and understand Hebrew.
- PhD Forensic Psychology, University of Surrey, UK
- MSc Forensic Psychology, University of Kent, UK
- BA (Hons) Psychology, Carleton University, Canada
- Certificate in Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST)
- Certificate in Working with Media training
- Certificate in Family, Work and Community Mediation

Memberships & Affiliations:
- Lecturer at Regent’s University London, Roehampton University and University College London
- Board of Managers member at Family & Separation Support
- Graduate Member of the British Psychological Society (BPS)
- Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA)
- Registered with Family Mediation Council
- Member of College of Mediators
Services and Costs
Our mission is to support individuals during their separation and equip them with the skills to resolve conflicts in the future.
We are currently offering online and face to face meetings and can accommodate day time and evening appointments
MIAM (Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting)
The first meeting aims to evaluate whether mediation is suitable for you and your situation. In this meeting, we will meet with you individually and you will be able to:
Talk through your situation with an impartial psychologist and mediator
Find out more about the mediation process
Explore other sources of help and support
Discuss next steps and if mediation is the best approach for you
These meetings usually take about one hour to complete, depending on your specific situation
Online – £50
Face to face – £100
Mediation Session
Each session is two hours long These are joint meeting with you and your ex-partner that will focus on resolving the current conflict. Each session will be tailored to your individual case and needs. Throughout the session you can expect:
Confidentiality and impartiality from the mediator
Open discussion facilitated by a professional mediator and psychologist
Opportunity to talk through your thoughts about the conflict and share how you would like to resolve it
Opportunity to hear your ex-partner’s thoughts on the conflict and resolution
Explore other sources of help and support
Each session is two hours long and the number of sessions required will depend on your individual case.
Online £120 (£60 per person)
Face to face – £220 (£110 per person)
Signing Court Forms
If at any point the mediation becomes unsuitable, we are able to sign court forms to confirm that you have attended a MIAM.
All forms will be signed by an accredited mediator and must be requested within four months of the mediation being deemed unsuitable.
Signing forms:
Phone: +44 (0) 798 886 2087
Meetings: We are able to offer meetings both online and face-to-face.
Registered Address: Isle of Dogs (Canary Wharf), London, UK, E14
Useful Links
Information About Family Mediation:
College of Mediators:
Family Mediators Association:
Family Mediation Council:
Separation Advice:
Citizens Advice:
AdviceNow – Divorce & Separation guides:
The Divorce Manual:
Money & Pension Services:
Resolution (legal advice and information):
The Centre for Separated Families (information and advise for all affected by separation):
CAFCASS (protecting interests of children in court):
National Association of Child Contact Centres (safe place for separated parents to meet with children):
Child Law Advice:
Parental Support:
Association for Shared Parenting (support for separated parents):
Families Need Fathers (support for separated fathers):
Separated Dads (support for separated fathers):
Match Mothers (support for separated mothers):
Family & Separation Support (support for all family members):
Counselling Nest (qualified integrative counsellor registered with BACP):
Happy Steps (step family resource centre):

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